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Roy Price, past chairman
Carmarthen and West Wales Advanced Motorists


Roy joined our group in 2004. Around this time the group was at a low ebb and as chairman he was instrumental in resurrecting it together with Dylan Jones. Roy made us into a strong group with just over 90 drivers and motorcyclists on our books at the start of 2021. He also brought motorcyclists into the group, because at that time it was only cars. He persuaded the group to meet in Carmarthen, which was more central to our area. They also gave talks & slide shows to groups such as Women’s Institutes. Dylan tells me that Roy loved talking to such groups. He was one of our longest serving members, with only a handful of members who joined before him still being on our books today. Roy was a Senior Observer with a passion for road safety. He passed his IAM tests in car and bike. Members of the committee will know how dedicated he was to all aspects of IAM driving standards, not being afraid to argue his case with IAM in London. Together with Dylan, he joined RoSPA and they both attained a RoSPA gold standard. Roy also had many other interests. He played the clarinet with a traditional Welsh folk group. He enjoyed the countryside as well as fishing and shooting and all aspects of nature and country crafts. Photography was another interest, also repairing and improving things, plus woodwork and craftwork. He didn’t have a T.V. but did have a radio. He was an avid reader of all subjects, including Celtic, Native North American, Oriental and Eastern folklores. He also had a very good knowledge about news and current affairs. A love of his indoor plants was another hobby. Roy loved meeting people and would pass on knowledge where he could. Discussions with him were lively and interesting and he didn’t have time to be bored. Members have told me that as well as being an excellent chairman, Roy will be remembered as a true gentleman.

Ralph Carpenter Membership Secretary

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